April 2024 Newsletter Replace fear with BOLDNESS !
Replace fear with boldness
Do you feel like something is holding you back from doing what you really want to do? If so, you’re not alone. Luckily, there is something you can do about it.
When I entered the real estate business at age 23, I was nervous about being on straight commission. To bring in enough money to feed myself and pay my bills, I waited tables part-time. I knew what I wanted to do, but fear was holding me back.
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home…
March 2024 Newsletter Think and grow rich
Think and grow rich
In today’s world, it’s easy to find reasons to feel discouraged or down. This usually happens when you start focusing on things you can’t change. The good news is that there will always be one area where you have total control, and that is your outlook on life.
If you need a mood lifter right now, I highly recommend reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It was first published in 1937 and is still the best-selling self-help book ever written. It will teach you how to attain wealth and success through positive thinking, persistence,…
February 2024 Newsletter Show us your greatness
Show us your greatness!
If you’ve been reading my newsletters for a while, you know that I end each of them by asking, “If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?” My reason for asking you these questions is to create a sense of urgency to accomplish things that are important to you. No matter how small or how big your goal might be, there’s no better time to start working on it than right now!
“Greatness comes by doing a few small and smart things each and every day. Comes from taking little steps, consistently. Comes from…
January 2024 newsletter Tips on building a sustainable business
Tips on building a sustainable business
Did you know that 99.9 percent of all U.S. businesses are considered small businesses by the federal government? Currently there are about 33.2 million small businesses in the U.S. Even though 80 percent of small businesses consist of only one person, small businesses employ 61.7 million workers – almost half of all U.S. employees.
If you didn’t know these things, you’re not alone. It’s probably because the nation’s largest corporations get most of the attention.
I started my first business in 1993. After being involved in real estate for ten years, I figured I was seasoned…
December 2023 Newsletter Become someone’s miracle
Become someone’s miracle
In December, most of us are making goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. In addition to doing this, why not also make plans that will benefit others?
What would it feel like to become someone’s miracle in 2024? The definition of a miracle will vary for each of us. For me, being someone’s miracle means making a HUGE difference in their life by being intentional and laser-focused on making things happen.
“I know from personal experience how fear and low self-worth can cripple one’s ability to succeed in life. But with a little support, caring, and inspiration, miracles…
November 2023 Newsletter The Capability Gap
The capability gap
Nick Sabin, head coach of the University of Alabama’s seven-time national champion football team Crimson Tide, talks about the difference between what we are capable of doing and what we are actually doing. He calls this the capability gap.
When I heard him talk about this topic recently, he asked questions such as “What are we capable of?” and “What are we doing about it?” I am constantly preaching that we all need to use every ounce of our God-given talent while we are still here on this earth.
So let me ask you, what are you doing with…
October 2023 Newsletter Ambition is the foundation for success
October 2023 Newsletter
Ambition is the foundation for success
If you have a burning desire to achieve something, you are ambitious. What is ambition, anyway? It has been defined as “a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.” That definition fits me perfectly, since I am always working hard to get better at everything I do.
What do ambitious people have in common?
People with ambition are a diverse group. They do not necessarily have a lot of education, work in a fancy office, drive a brand-new sports car, or live in an expensive house. However,…
September 2023 newsletter Choose to be BOLD !
Choose to be BOLD!
When you think about it, most of what happens in life involves choices or decisions. When you wake up in the morning, you have an opportunity to decide whether to be the best possible version of yourself or to be average and just make it through the day. You can also choose to inspire someone through your actions or not to do this. Either way, the choice is up to…
August 2023 Newsletter Follow your intuition
Follow Your Intuition
How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish I had followed my intuition” or “I should have trusted my gut”? This has happened to me so many times that I’ve lost count, and 99 percent of those times I would have made the right decision if I had trusted my intuition.
When you are thinking about doing something and you have a gut feeling about whether you should back off or move ahead, pay attention. Some people may call it intuition, and if something happens the way you wanted it to, they may say it’s just…
July 2023 Newsletter Root for the underdog
Root for the underdog
I am the guy who roots for the underdog. No matter whether I’m watching an NCAA basketball tournament, a college football game between a high-ranking team and a lower-division team, or a professional football game, I love it when the underdog pulls out a win. When a highly favored team wins, that’s just a normal day at the office. However, when an underdog wins, I know that it could be a life-changing event for everyone involved… not just for the institution, the organization, or the school, but most of all for the individual players.
Never underestimate the…