April 2024 Newsletter Replace fear with BOLDNESS !
Replace fear with boldness
Do you feel like something is holding you back from doing what you really want to do? If so, you’re not alone. Luckily, there is something you can do about it.
When I entered the real estate business at age 23, I was nervous about being on straight commission. To bring in enough money to feed myself and pay my bills, I waited tables part-time. I knew what I wanted to do, but fear was holding me back.
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
—Dale Carnegie
At that point I made the most important decision of my entire 41-year career: I decided to be bold. I told myself, “I am going to be bold. I’m not going to be scared of being on straight commission. I am going to use that unproductive energy to carry out my mission.”
My mission was—and still is—to be great at whatever I do, especially when it involves real estate. I woke up every morning with the attitude that nothing was going to stop me from reaching my goals. Instead of worrying about challenges that might lie ahead, I overcame my fear and kept going. I am telling you this not to impress you, but to impress upon you that each of us can make a commitment to be bold. You can eliminate fear just by believing in yourself, stepping out of your comfort zone, and giving boldness a chance.
One of the best ways to fight fear is to face it head on. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, I would not consider jumping out of a plane, so I would not say I fear it. But if I really wanted to jump out of a plane and fear was the only thing holding me back from doing it, it would be a different story.
If there’s something that you want to accomplish and you know that it will make you happy, then you need to find a way to overcome your fear of doing it. My recommendation is to start slowly instead of thinking you need to accomplish everything overnight. Take your time…but keep moving!
“Freedom lies in being bold.”
—Robert Frost
I agree with Mike Yaconelli’s description of being bold:
“Boldness doesn’t mean rude, obnoxious, loud, or disrespectful. Being bold is being firm, sure, confident, fearless, daring, strong, resilient, and not easily intimidated. It means you’re willing to go where you’ve never been, willing to try what you’ve never tried, and willing to trust what you’ve never trusted. Boldness is quiet, not noisy.”
I have met a lot of people who confuse boldness with acting like they’re better than everybody else. That is not my definition of being bold. People who are bold are people of action. They don’t just talk a big game. They talk the talk, and they walk the walk. People who are bold are people that are drinking the water that they’re pouring out. They’re passionate and they’re persistent.
I am confident that if you decide to be bold and reach out for something that might be great for your life, then your boldness will inspire, motivate, and empower everyone in your sphere to make their own lives better.
My favorite type of people who are bold are the ones who want to lift up everybody around them, take them along for the ride, and give them wings to do whatever they’re trying to accomplish.
Let me tell you what choosing to be bold means to me.
- As a leader, I am transparent with the people I work with. I recognize them when they do something great, and I am willing to give them constructive suggestions that will help them become better.
- If I can see that someone is not being treated properly, I will show them that I care about them and that they matter.
- I do not fear change. I believe that those of us who are trying to be the best version of ourselves cannot fear making changes that will benefit us in our personal lives or in our careers.
- I let people know how I feel, and I am forthcoming. If I need to say something, I will say it.
Choosing boldness will be liberating for you and for those around you. Now, more than ever, people need inspiration. They need us to believe in them, and they need us to give them a little boost to help them do what they have always wanted to do.
One thing I know for sure is that each of us has the God-given talent to accomplish anything that we set our minds to do. That is a fact. Never ever let fear get in the way of heading toward where you want to go. You will find that life is a lot more enjoyable when you choose to be bold.