Be memorable
When you want to do business with someone who is choosing between you and three of your competitors, you need to stand out from the others. Let’s say your competition has a product or service of equal quality, a comparable price, and basically everything else is the same as what you have to offer. Why would they choose you? Well, I can tell you why they might not choose you, and that’s because you were not memorable. You didn’t stand out. You did everything the same as the other candidates. Do you want to miss out on an…
More passion, more sales
Would you agree that it’s way more enjoyable to purchase a product or service if the provider likes their job? I personally prefer not to purchase a product or a service from someone who is not passionate about what they do for a living. Notice that I said “I prefer not to” instead of “I will not.” I understand that not everybody is going to be excited about what they do for a living, and if that’s the case I hope that they’ll find something that they do love. I do know that when I purchase…