February 2025 Good News Enthusiasm wins the sale!

Enthusiasm wins the sale




In the sales and service industry, three traits are crucial for your success: enthusiasm, passion, and self-confidence. When you are genuinely enthusiastic about your product or service, it doesn’t just boost your own performance. It also makes a positive impression on your customers, building trust and increasing the likelihood of making a sale.


If I had to identify one trait that has propelled my success throughout my career, it would have to be enthusiasm. Self-confidence and passion were also important, but my enthusiasm and excitement for being in the real estate business has always motivated people to…

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January 2025 Good news Have faith in yourself


Have Faith in Yourself




It is my hope that 2025 will be one of your best years yet. I want to share something today that’s been on my heart—the importance of having faith in yourself. I’m not talking about blind optimism or wishful thinking; I’m talking about the unshakable belief that you are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to do.


I just had a conversation this morning with a business owner who asked me, “What is the one thing that you still want to accomplish while you’re here on this earth?” It took me a whole two seconds…

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December 2024 Good News Disciplined workers get there faster

Disciplined workers get there faster

I have always felt blessed to have been born into a great family.  Most of my relatives were teachers or preachers. My mother is one of nine siblings, and every one of them was talented in some way.


I am the youngest of five, and I entered the world a lot later than my siblings did. (I think some people would call that a mistake… LOL) I marched to the beat of a different drummer from the beginning. I was nonconforming and rebellious, unlike my siblings.  I also had a difficult time focusing. ADHD wasn’t diagnosed…

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November 2024 Good News ! Focus on being better today than yesterday

Focus on being better today than yesterday


Who is in charge of us improving our lives? That’s right. It’s you. You and no one but you. So now the simple question is what are you doing to make that happen? What actions are you taking to be better today than yesterday. It can be minimal or monumental, the plan is to move your needle forward a little every day.


I am an over-thinker, i sometimes over analyze situations ,however that mindset has worked for me my entire career. I think about yesterday and how I could be better at a meeting…

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October 2024 Newsletter Let’s turn it up!

Let’s turn it up!

This is the time of year when motivated achievers decide to finish the year strong. If you have not met your goals for 2024, you still have time to get there. And if you have met your goals, now is the time to plan for a successful 2025.


No matter where you are in meeting your goals, now is a great time to turn it up. But instead of trying to finish strong for the rest of this year, let’s turn it up to finish strong today.


If you get inspiration and guidance from reading motivational newsletters and…

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September 2024 Newsletter

Be memorable


When you want to do business with someone who is choosing between you and three of your competitors, you need to stand out from the others. Let’s say your competition has a product or service of equal quality, a comparable price, and basically everything else is the same as what you have to offer. Why would they choose you? Well, I can tell you why they might not choose you, and that’s because you were not memorable. You didn’t stand out. You did everything the same as the other candidates. Do you want to miss out on an…

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August 2024 Newsletter More Passion, More Sales


More passion, more sales


Would you agree that it’s way more enjoyable to purchase a product or service if the provider likes their job? I personally prefer not to purchase a product or a service from someone who is not passionate about what they do for a living. Notice that I said “I prefer not to” instead of “I will not.” I understand that not everybody is going to be excited about what they do for a living, and if that’s the case I hope that they’ll find something that they do love. I do know that when I purchase…

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July 2024 Newsletter Demand more from yourself

Demand more from yourself

Are you happy with the progress you’re making toward your goals? If you feel like there’s room for improvement, I have a question for you today: What would your life look like if you started demanding more from yourself? What changes would you see in your career, and how would it affect the people around you?


I happen to own this space. I’ve been demanding more from myself every day for the last 41 years. If you want to raise your personal standard of excellence, you need to know what defines you and what you’ll accept (and…

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June 2024 Newsletter Prioritizing your time

Prioritizing your time

How do you prioritize your time? Do you have a process that works for you?
As you know, I enjoy writing newsletters and recording podcasts about my experiences so other people can apply what I’ve learned. Prioritizing my time has been a work in progress for me throughout my entire 41-year career in business.
More than likely, you are an entrepreneur or someone who wants to move the needle forward and get the most out of your life. My goal today is to give you some tips that will help you prioritize your time more effectively.

When you have multiple…

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May 2024 newsletter The importance of every position

The importance of every position

What is your position at your company? Are you the CEO, a mid-level manager, the receptionist, an admin, or maybe a janitor? All of those people play equally important roles in running a successful company.


I recently had a great conversation with my good friend June Mayher, who was one of my classmates at Burke High School in Omaha, Nebraska. June works at the accounting firm where I am a client. When I dropped off some docs over there a few days ago, June and I talked about the importance of her being the “everything person”…

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What People in the Audience are Saying…

With Van's passion, humor and experience you can be assured of one thing- your audience is going to get fired-up, built-up, and fully charged –up. As an entrepreneur at the top of his game Van is in the unique position of being able to "talk the talk" because he has "walked the walk". Over the years he has been a great inspiration to me and my staff. Van is a speaker with charisma, humility and impact and he's a difference maker in the lives of the people he touches…"

—George Akers // President, First Mortgage Corp.

I wanted to thank you for coming and speaking with our company today. I thought your presentation was awesome! I was really motivated and inspired by your thoughts and ideas. I will use this motivation to grow my business and my personal life.”

—Justin Pauls // Realtor, Tampa, Florida

We are delighted you will be accepting the award for Omaha’s Top 25 fastest growing companies. Congratulations on your outstanding growth and we wish you continued success.”

—Tracey Fortina // Omaha Chamber of Commerce

Thank you for running such a class act company. It is an honor and a pleasure to be associated with someone such as yourself. I know you are probably one of the most respected businessmen in the region.”

—Dustin Talacko // Realtor, Omaha, Nebraska

Congratulations on writing “Selling from the heart” and thank you for sharing a copy with me. Your class has been one of the most enjoyable classes I’ve ever taken. Your enthusiasm and passion for your work are awesome. But the most refreshing part of the class was your delightful sense of humor. Thank you again for being a fantastic teacher.”

—Linda Reismeiler // Student at Randall School of Real Estate, Omaha, Nebraska

Kudos to you, Van, for reaching a major goal. But more than that...For successfully building one of Omaha’s best companies from scratch and making it thrive even in less than ideal market conditions. You have realized the American Dream...And brought it home to many, many others. My best to you!”

—Todd Andrews, Anchor and Producer, KETV Omaha

Having you here again was such a blessing to so many! As I looked at the pictures, I could see just how interested each and every person was in what you had to say!

This has been such a gift to our agents when they need it the most. The fact that you come, you are so genuine and caring, you are so honest, you are not trying to sell anything and your passion to help each and every person believe in themselves and become the best they can be is HUGE! The timing is perfect for us all helping and caring about each other, so, thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for giving of yourself to help all of us!”

—Carolyn Summerton // First Mortgage Company of Idaho

I enjoyed your seminar and its focus. I was on the fence whether or not to attend and decided why not? I could have sat through an all day session if there was one, usually I end up at the seminars that start with a focus and quickly go astray. I found with yours time flew by too fast and it was already time to go but I wasn’t ready to go.”

—Scott Asbill, CDPE // Associate Broker, Realtor