April 2018 Newsletter: Asking for Referrals
“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” – Walt Disney
From the time I started working in the real estate industry until today, referrals have always been my number one source of new customers… Period! In my experience, getting referrals from satisfied customers is the best way to build a business. It makes new customers feel secure to know that they are using someone that someone else used and was happy with. In my real estate and speaking career I depend mainly on referrals to increase my customer base.
No matter…
March 2018 Newsletter: Should You Dress to Impress?
Should you dress to impress?
We have all heard that we should “dress for success,” but what does that really mean?
In a business setting, your appearance matters. When people look at you, they make assumptions about what you do for a living, how much money you make, and how successful you are. These assumptions are based solely on your appearance.
Successful people maintain an impeccable image because they know that their image is part of their brand. One…
February 2018 Newsletter Your DREAM is possible
Do you dream of achieving big things? I believe that a dream is a prelude to reality. I know this is true because it has happened to me over and over throughout my career. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said the same thing using different words: “If you can conceive it and believe it, then you can achieve it.” That quote has been in my head since high school.
I didn’t grow up with a mentor, and nobody ever gave me a blueprint to succeed in business. In high school I was a class clown, always trying…
January 2018 Newsletter You can choose to be confident
Are you confident that you can reach your goals? If not, then you’re getting in your own way. Being confident is a choice that only you can make. When you choose to become more confident, you are opening the door to a more successful career and a more fulfilling life.
Being confident goes much deeper than just saying you are confident. You must believe in yourself and be passionate about it. You have to OWN it and LIVE it. Self-confidence is one of the most attractive qualities you can have, and it inspires people to believe in you. If you…
December 2017 newsletter: You WILL accomplish your goals in 2018!
“What are your plans?” This question comes up in many different situations. At this time of year you probably find yourself asking people what their plans are for the holidays, and you might even ask them what their goals are for next year. Making plans and setting goals are top priorities for success-minded people. As Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
We are all guilty at times of just going through the motions of everyday life instead of thinking about the path we’re on. However, just imagine how much better your life could…
November 2017 newsletter Disrupters have more fun
Are you a disrupter? Would you like to be one? Maybe the word disrupter sounds like an insult. Well, in the business world it’s quite the opposite, and in my world it’s a compliment.
Disruptive innovation is a term used in the field of business administration. It refers to an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances.
My personal definition of a disrupter is someone who changes things for the better— someone who blazes a new trail instead of doing things the same…
October 2017 newsletter “The Man in the Mirror”: Make that change
October 2017 newsletter
“The Man in the Mirror”: Make that change
“You can’t change your outside behavior until you change your inside behavior.” I agree completely with that comment, which was made by a good friend of mine, pastor Curt Dodd. I believe change is good; trying to become better is good. I don’t know how you can accomplish great success in life without being willing to change when necessary. I feel myself changing all the time. It’s liberating, it’s healthy, and best of all, it’s exciting!
I am a big fan of Motown music. Great artists, great music, great lyrics. As…
September 2017 How to ask your way to success
How to ask your way to success
You are inspired to succeed, you are motivated to accomplish your goals, you are driven and determined to live a lifestyle that you dream about. Well, believe it or not, you are already halfway there! Having a positive attitude will get you the results you want at some point in your life. However, you can GET THERE QUICKER and accomplish your goals sooner by learning how to ASK for what you want. This statement is based on my own experience. Not only have I learned how to ask, but during my storied career I…
August 2017 Newsletter Prioritize for success
What are your priorities? Actually, what is a priority? According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, a priority is “something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first,” and priorities are “the things that someone cares about and thinks are important. “How often do you say to yourself, “I need to make this a priority”? If you are success-driven like the majority of my readers, then you say it often.
“Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by our priorities.” – Myles…
July 2017 Newsletter Where would I be without ________?
How would you fill in the blank? Is your life different today because of a certain person, event (positive or negative), or challenge? Think hard before filling in the blank. Who or what has had the most powerful influence in your life ?
If you feel that something is missing, it’s not too late to give your life and career that one ingredient, that one thing that will fulfill you and make you grateful for having something you need and can’t be without. Maybe it’s a person…maybe you need someone who makes you feel the same way as the…