September 2023 newsletter Choose to be BOLD !
Choose to be BOLD!
When you think about it, most of what happens in life involves choices or decisions. When you wake up in the morning, you have an opportunity to decide whether to be the best possible version of yourself or to be average and just make it through the day. You can also choose to inspire someone through your actions or not to do this. Either way, the choice is up to you.
If you have heard my motivational speeches or listened to my podcasts in the past, you know that my choice is always to be the best version of myself every day of my life, even when I don’t feel like it. I also make up my mind to be a bright light in someone’s life and to inspire them through my actions. Why do I make these choices? Because when I do this, life is much better for me and for everyone around me!
When you choose to be bold and daring, you also become unforgettable.
When I started DEEB Realty (currently Nebraska Realty), I used my creativity to develop ideas and processes that were considered unconventional at the time. My innovations were unprecedented in the real estate industry, and they brought great results. Within 16 years the company grew from just myself to a team of about 350 people. At that point my ideas were considered BOLD! Funny how perception changes when something works! The blueprint I created in 1993 revolutionized the real estate industry.
“The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock.”
—Tony Gaskins
A long time ago I decided that I was going to be BOLD in everything I did. I knew that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing this. For me, being bold looks like this:
- Being intentional about your productivity at work. Start every day with a plan of attack and a clear idea of what you want to accomplish that day.
- Being transparent and unafraid to speak your mind. Make sure to get your point across to everyone you speak with so they will know where you stand.
- Being assertive and respectful in asking people to do business with you. Identify and seize every opportunity to connect with people.
- Being direct in asking for referrals. If you follow me on social media, you know that I am very bold in asking people to refer me if they know someone who needs a motivational speaker.
- Being able to LOVE boldly! Love your friends, your family, your children, your significant other, and your pets with everything you have in you. And that means more than just saying “I LOVE YOU.” Show them how you feel through your loving actions and gestures.
- Being bold with everyone you meet so you can bring as much benefit to them as humanly possible.
“Make bold choices and make mistakes. It’s all these things that add up to the person you become.”
— Angelina Jolie
Life is not a dress rehearsal. When you die you will no longer be able to use your God-given gifts, skill sets, and abilities to benefit anyone on earth. Use them now so you can benefit everyone who knows you.
“Take risks, be bold and let your genius convert your fear into power and brilliance.”
– Robert Kiyosaki
People who are BOLD share the following characteristics: having clear priorities and firm values, appearing arrogant at times, showing a strong sense of self-confidence, believing in themselves and their ideas, taking pride in their accomplishments, being opinionated, and being aware of their own weaknesses as well as their strengths.
Years ago I developed a mindset of boldness, and I have never regretted doing this. Being BOLD has improved my life and the lives of everyone around me.
Life is short. Every time I go to a funeral or find out that someone I know has passed away, it affects me deeply. Even though I am confident they are in a much better place, it lights a spark inside me to be all I can be… not tomorrow, next week, or next year, but right now. And the cool thing about this mindset is WE ALL HAVE THIS GOD-GIVEN ABILITY to be BOLD. People who are bold have made a decision to live this way.
Let’s start being BOLD now and enjoy the benefits it brings!