September 2018 Newsletter: Confidence Creates Opportunity

Are you attracting opportunities into your life? Do people ask for your opinion or invite you to participate in business ventures? Are you somebody people look up to, brag about, or admire? If the answer is no, that’s okay. You are part of the majority. However, if that’s not okay with you, then you have some work to do.

How can you start attracting more opportunities? You can do this by becoming more confident. People want to be around people who are confident, which in turn will create more opportunities for you. Making positive changes in your life can help you become more confident. Maybe you would feel better about yourself if you worked out more, started eating healthier foods, upgraded your wardrobe, or became more knowledgeable about your product or service. Sometimes changing just one aspect of your life can drastically improve your confidence.

Confidence isn’t walking into a room and thinking you’re better than everyone else; it’s walking in and not having to compare yourself to anyone at all.

If you don’t feel confident yet, you can choose to act confident anyway. In other words, you can “fake it ’til you make it.” That’s what I did when I started working in real estate. I realized that if I didn’t think I was great at my career, then who else would? I chose the following inscription for the back of my business card: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I chose that statement because I was confident that no one cared more than I did about my customers. If you don’t believe that, no one else will. Not only will your customers trust you more because of your confidence, but they will also be more likely to buy from you.

I have always had the mindset that no one in the real estate industry can compete with what I am able to offer my clients. I believe it, I know it is a fact, and no one can convince me otherwise. The greatest outcome of this attitude is that you and your customers will both benefit from it. Confidence creates opportunity.

I have always had the drive, desire, and determination to be successful, as well as the ability to motivate and inspire others to do the same. However, I can attribute the majority of my success in life to being confident. You can develop a confident attitude and mindset at any stage in your life. It is never too late!

As most of you know, my passions are motivational speaking and real estate. I used to preach to my agents that when they are in the living room of someone’s house trying to get the listing, they need to show extreme confidence even if they are new in the business. Tell the seller in your own comfortable way that you are the best agent for the job. Not “one of the best,” THE BEST! Think about it: what do you have to lose by making that statement?

You can incorporate in your career the confidence other people show in theirs. When I talk to Realtors, I recommend that they make the following statement to prospective clients: “I know you are choosing between several Realtors to be your listing agent. There are some very good agents in my industry that will do a good job for you; however, they can’t compete with me.” Then you should go on to explain why you can do more for them than any other agent they might be considering. If you can’t come up with reasons why you are better than other agents, then you shouldn’t be in sales or you should hire me to help you gain the confidence you need to become the best or at least to believe that you are.

“If you’re presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.” – Katy Perry

This approach has worked for me throughout my career in real estate, and I make a similar statement today when companies are choosing a motivational speaker for their next event: “There are a lot of good speakers out there. However, they probably haven’t had the same life experiences I have had. I have been in the industry for more than three decades and I’m still selling real estate today. Thanks to my firsthand knowledge, I can help your people reach their maximum potential.”

How can you expect someone to hire you or give you their business if you don’t believe that you are the best person for the job? Confidence creates opportunity!

As consumers, we want to work with the people who are the best at what they do, and we want to give our business to the people who are confident that they can offer great customer service and help us get the best possible deal. Do you agree with that statement? If so, then ask yourself if you are that person.

You can’t tell someone you give great customer service without having the confidence that you can deliver. 

I realize not everyone is comfortable showing this level of confidence. However, if you are reading this, then you probably want to learn how to become better, because people don’t read my newsletters to become average. To reach our maximum potential, we all need to keep getting better at what we do!

God granted you a gift: the freedom to choose whether to just go through the motions of life or to do what is necessary to be confident and to accomplish extraordinary goals and results. God wants you to have every opportunity that is possible in your lifetime. Confidence creates opportunity.

Try the following approach the next time you are trying to get a sale. I call it “Help me, help you.” Tell your customer, “Help me by giving me your business, and I will in turn help you by giving you the results you need.”

The more confidence you have, the more opportunities will open up in your world. Never, ever stop finding new ways to become a more confident person. CONFIDENCE creates opportunities!

What People in the Audience are Saying…

With Van's passion, humor and experience you can be assured of one thing- your audience is going to get fired-up, built-up, and fully charged –up. As an entrepreneur at the top of his game Van is in the unique position of being able to "talk the talk" because he has "walked the walk". Over the years he has been a great inspiration to me and my staff. Van is a speaker with charisma, humility and impact and he's a difference maker in the lives of the people he touches…"

—George Akers // President, First Mortgage Corp.

I wanted to thank you for coming and speaking with our company today. I thought your presentation was awesome! I was really motivated and inspired by your thoughts and ideas. I will use this motivation to grow my business and my personal life.”

—Justin Pauls // Realtor, Tampa, Florida

We are delighted you will be accepting the award for Omaha’s Top 25 fastest growing companies. Congratulations on your outstanding growth and we wish you continued success.”

—Tracey Fortina // Omaha Chamber of Commerce

Thank you for running such a class act company. It is an honor and a pleasure to be associated with someone such as yourself. I know you are probably one of the most respected businessmen in the region.”

—Dustin Talacko // Realtor, Omaha, Nebraska

Congratulations on writing “Selling from the heart” and thank you for sharing a copy with me. Your class has been one of the most enjoyable classes I’ve ever taken. Your enthusiasm and passion for your work are awesome. But the most refreshing part of the class was your delightful sense of humor. Thank you again for being a fantastic teacher.”

—Linda Reismeiler // Student at Randall School of Real Estate, Omaha, Nebraska

Kudos to you, Van, for reaching a major goal. But more than that...For successfully building one of Omaha’s best companies from scratch and making it thrive even in less than ideal market conditions. You have realized the American Dream...And brought it home to many, many others. My best to you!”

—Todd Andrews, Anchor and Producer, KETV Omaha

Having you here again was such a blessing to so many! As I looked at the pictures, I could see just how interested each and every person was in what you had to say!

This has been such a gift to our agents when they need it the most. The fact that you come, you are so genuine and caring, you are so honest, you are not trying to sell anything and your passion to help each and every person believe in themselves and become the best they can be is HUGE! The timing is perfect for us all helping and caring about each other, so, thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for giving of yourself to help all of us!”

—Carolyn Summerton // First Mortgage Company of Idaho

I enjoyed your seminar and its focus. I was on the fence whether or not to attend and decided why not? I could have sat through an all day session if there was one, usually I end up at the seminars that start with a focus and quickly go astray. I found with yours time flew by too fast and it was already time to go but I wasn’t ready to go.”

—Scott Asbill, CDPE // Associate Broker, Realtor