October 2021 Newsletter Every company needs an outside voice
Every company needs an outside voice
If you keep doing things the same way, you’ll keep getting the same results. To make progress, you have to do things differently.
Do you have anyone in your life who is willing to give you their honest opinions about what you could start doing differently to get better results? Your spouse, your coworkers, or your boss (if you have one) probably will tell you what they think you want to hear instead of being completely honest. A coach can give you the “outside voice” that you need! During several decades of being a business owner, I have received an incredible amount of information from people outside of my company and sometimes from completely different industries.
When you’re looking for a coach, be sure to choose somebody who can truly benefit you. The clients that I coach are confident that they are getting solid advice from someone who has “been there and done that.”
“A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.” — John Wooden, former UCLA basketball coach
One of my clients is a company that has about 400 employees. I meet with them once every three months for two half-days. I talk with employees in small groups and also one on one, and after the second day I meet with the leaders of the company to share the information I have gathered from the employees.
I am amazed by the extent to which employees open up to me about what they love about their job and what they don’t like and how it could be so much better. This is exactly what I am searching for to report back to management. Employees tell me about challenges and situations that they have flat out told me they are not comfortable sharing with their superiors. As an outside voice, I can share the employees’ thoughts with people in their company who can make their wishes a reality.
The employees and leaders in this company want to receive direction from me, and they let me know on my next time back how they have improved. It is amazing to see how excited they are when they tell me about the progress they have made individually and as a company.
I believe a good outside voice from a coach will help any company improve employee attitudes and productivity threefold. Can you imagine a company that would turn down an opportunity to triple their market share, productivity, and results?
A good outside voice will leave people better than they were before, and the coach’s ideas and processes will stay with their clients long after the sessions end. At the very least, employees will learn how to treat their fellow employees better and become more understanding.
Just because a coworker doesn’t do things the way you do does not mean they should be judged by you.
You don’t have to work for a large company to benefit from an outside voice. I also coach individuals who want to make better progress in their careers.
My main objective is to instill confidence in my clients so they realize that they have the ability to reach their goals and that the only person holding them back is themselves. We all need this type of encouragement!
Here are just a few benefits of working with a coach:
- A coach can help you implement innovative ideas that you may have considered but never put into action.
- A coach can bring out the creativity of employees who want to help in more ways than just showing up for work and doing their job description.
- Talking with a coach can help employees feel like they matter to the company.
- A coach can ask the right questions to reveal what each individual could be doing more of and how they could become a better team player.
- Working with a coach will make employees feel more engaged so they will be less likely to leave the company.
- When employees speak freely with an outsider, they feel they are getting a lot off their chest and being heard.
For any company that wants to do things better, listening to an outside voice should be just as important as installing the latest software or putting a new system in place.
My clients often tell me, “We brought you here to reinforce our message. Our people get tired of hearing us say it, but when it comes from an outside voice like yours it becomes new, fresh, and exciting.”
Every business owner, manager, or employee deserves to have a cheerleader who can help them bring out the very best in themselves. What better way could there be to say “I appreciate you” than to bring in someone who can help them become more confident, accomplish more, and have a more positive outlook?
If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?
Van Deeb is recognized as an authority in sales, customer service, and leadership. His proven methods and techniques helped Van build one of the largest real estate companies in the country, growing his business from just himself to an agency with 350 associates. Invite Van as an ongoing consultant or to present a workshop, keynote, or event at your company. Contact Van at his direct line: 402-680-8448, through email: van@vandeeb.com, or on the Web at www.vandeeb.com
I invite you to listen to my podcasts by going to www.vandeeb.com or finding me on Apple or Spotify. Last, but not least, I am available to schedule an online Zoom meeting, webinar, or in-person event.