October 2017 newsletter “The Man in the Mirror”: Make that change
October 2017 newsletter
“The Man in the Mirror”: Make that change
“You can’t change your outside behavior until you change your inside behavior.” I agree completely with that comment, which was made by a good friend of mine, pastor Curt Dodd. I believe change is good; trying to become better is good. I don’t know how you can accomplish great success in life without being willing to change when necessary. I feel myself changing all the time. It’s liberating, it’s healthy, and best of all, it’s exciting!
I am a big fan of Motown music. Great artists, great music, great lyrics. As a motivational speaker helping others accomplish their dreams and goals by giving them good, experienced, solid advice, I can’t help but reflect on the lyrics from Michael Jackson’s hit song, “The Man in the Mirror.” I’ll include some of the lyrics later in this newsletter, because the song contains a message that we all need to hear whenever we want to make a change in our lives.
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale
When you want to do better, when you want to be better, these lyrics remind you that when you look in the mirror, the person who is in charge of making change happen in your life is staring right back at you.
“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” – Benjamin Franklin
God has provided each of us with the talent to accomplish our goals and dreams, but we have to be willing to change for the better. Life brings challenges that can disrupt the forward path you are on, but having the mindset that you are willing to change will keep you from giving up or going backwards.
“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw
Making changes in your life is not the responsibility of your significant other, your kids, your parents, your boss, or anyone else. It depends on you. If you want to get fired up about changing yourself, then I encourage you to check out the following lyrics from “The Man in the Mirror.”
I’m gonna make a change For once in my life
It’s gonna feel real good Gonna make a difference Gonna make it right
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make a change
You gotta get it right, while you got the time Cause when you close your heart Then you close your mind
I hope you agree that those lyrics are spot on! But when you start changing, you need to be prepared for pushback from people in your life who will refuse to accept the new you. They won’t want you to grow; they’ll want you to stay the same. Why? Because they aren’t willing to become better, to grow, and to make their own lives better.
Don’t try to persuade them to accept the new you. They are jealous of you, pure and simple. Don’t allow yourself to be held back by their negativity. Surround yourself with people who want to see you make a difference – people who empower you, encourage you, and inspire you to be the best you can possibly be.
Do you have people in your life who make you want to be a better person? I hope so! I am fortunate to have people who inspire me. Whenever I spend time with them, I walk away wanting to be better and wanting to make a difference, not just in my own life but in the lives of everyone I come in contact with. Spend more time with people who encourage you to become better and who embrace the new you.
We all have the ability to be the change we want to see. That is a fact! The only person who can stop you is the man (or woman) in the mirror.
If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?