March 2020 Newsletter Determined to matter
Determined to matter
How do you feel when someone says, “You matter to me”? I’ll bet it makes you feel pretty awesome. It means a lot to me when someone says that I matter to them or when they treat me like I matter.
Your words and actions matter to everyone around you. Are you letting people know that they matter to you? When you wake up in the morning, you can choose to make sure every person you talk to that day will feel like they matter. To reinforce this intention in your own mind, you can affirm it out loud while you are getting ready for work. Look in the mirror and say, “I will make people feel like they matter today, and I will do things today that matter to me.” Here are some ways to help you make this happen.
“Respect what matters to others, because even if it means nothing to you, it may mean everything to them.”
- Be aware: Understand how productive and meaningful it will be when you make someone feel like they matter. When people receive a compliment, they feel validated for what they are doing and motivated to do even better. For example, as I am writing this newsletter I am on a plane and a gentleman just walked by me and told me how much he likes listening to my podcasts and reading my newsletters. That statement not only made me feel like what I do matters, but it also made me want to do even better, therefore making me more productive.
- Find something worth noticing in everyone: All of us have something that deserves noticing. Whether it is very small or big, we have the ability to notice it and give them a positive comment that makes them feel like they matter. Even if you don’t say it in words, you can smile when you pass them in the hall at work or find some other way to make them feel recognized and appreciated.
- Listen: Sometimes people just want someone to listen to them. When someone is talking with you, pay attention. Listen without looking at your phone. Listen as if what they have to say is very important. Listen without responding too quickly or casting judgement. You can make people feel like they matter to you just by hearing what they have to say.
- Stop worrying about what others think of you: In order to be a person who makes others feel like they matter, you have to feel the same way about yourself. You are here for a reason, so stop obsessing about what others think of you. Do not look to others to validate your worth. You are making a positive difference in the world when you help people understand that they matter.
The more you concentrate on the happiness of others, the more fulfilling your own life will be. Take a second and reflect on the times that others have made you feel important or let you know that you matter. It’s a pretty awesome feeling, isn’t it? Well, just think about how you can give that same feeling to others by making it your own personal priority to make them feel like they matter. We all have this God-given ability, so I believe we have a responsibility to use it. Go out and let people know that they matter!
If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?
Van Deeb is recognized as an authority in sales, customer service, and leadership. His proven methods and techniques helped Van build one of the largest real estate companies in the country, growing his business from just himself to an agency with 350 associates. Invite Van to present a workshop, keynote, or event at your company. Contact Van at his direct line: 402-680-8448, through email:, or on the Web at