March 2019 Newsletter Your service is your brand

   Your service is your brand


2018 was a very busy year for me, packed with keynote speeches and workshops. Every speech was created for a specific audience, but it dawned on me that they all shared an underlying message: we are defined by how we serve our customers. Your reputation is defined by your service, your company’s success is defined by your service, and your sales performance is defined by your service. I am confident that if you really think about it, you will agree that this is true.


Service makes or breaks us! In a society where less than average service has become the “new normal,” you can excel and gather an increased market share by keeping the sales process simple and by providing better customer service than any of your competitors.


When you go to work each day, what are your main goals? At the top of the list should be “delivering unmatched service.” You are in control of the quality of service you provide to each of your customers, from your smallest client to your largest. When you focus on serving your customers to the best of your ability, your other goals will be much easier to accomplish.


One of my main goals in building DEEB Realty was to do everything in my power and utilize all of my resources to make sure our agents and our customers were served in the best way possible. Our motto was “A company built by agents for agents to better serve our customers.” Our service was our brand.


A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”  – Kenneth B. Elliott


How do you define the word “service”? Take a minute and write down the first definition that comes to mind. This is who you are, this is your brand, and your answer will play a key role in the success you attain.



Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”  –  Walt Disney


You’ve probably heard more than one definition of the word “brand,” but one thing is clear: your brand is yours alone. It’s as unique as your fingerprints. Each day, I strive to make sure “responsive” is a key aspect of my brand. When people are talking about my service, I want them to say, “Van gets back to me quickly.” Plain and simple, this is one of my main goals and it always will be. I serve my customers and show my respect for them by getting back to them in a timely manner. My service is my brand.


Customer service is not a department – it’s an attitude. How we do business and serve our customers is what separates us from our competitors.


Think about a few companies where you have been a customer for a long time. Do you keep coming back because of their great prices or their excellent service? Maybe both reasons are important to you, but many people remain loyal to a business because of service alone. Maya Angelou said it better than anyone else: “People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget the way you made them feel.” If you focus on how people feel about doing business with you, then you are making service part of who you are and defining your brand.


The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates a customer.

– Shiv Singh


If you have heard me give a presentation or workshop, you know I always preach that you should make sure each customer’s experience is so enjoyable that they will go out of their way to recommend you to others. Serve and you will be served. Your service is your brand!



If not now, then when… and if not you, then who?


Van Deeb is recognized as an authority on customer service. His proven methods and techniques helped Van build one of the largest real estate companies in the country, growing his business from just himself to an agency with 350 associates. Invite Van to present a workshop, keynote, or event at your company. Contact Van at his direct line: 402-680-8448, through email:, or on the Web at



What People in the Audience are Saying…

With Van's passion, humor and experience you can be assured of one thing- your audience is going to get fired-up, built-up, and fully charged –up. As an entrepreneur at the top of his game Van is in the unique position of being able to "talk the talk" because he has "walked the walk". Over the years he has been a great inspiration to me and my staff. Van is a speaker with charisma, humility and impact and he's a difference maker in the lives of the people he touches…"

—George Akers // President, First Mortgage Corp.

I wanted to thank you for coming and speaking with our company today. I thought your presentation was awesome! I was really motivated and inspired by your thoughts and ideas. I will use this motivation to grow my business and my personal life.”

—Justin Pauls // Realtor, Tampa, Florida

We are delighted you will be accepting the award for Omaha’s Top 25 fastest growing companies. Congratulations on your outstanding growth and we wish you continued success.”

—Tracey Fortina // Omaha Chamber of Commerce

Thank you for running such a class act company. It is an honor and a pleasure to be associated with someone such as yourself. I know you are probably one of the most respected businessmen in the region.”

—Dustin Talacko // Realtor, Omaha, Nebraska

Congratulations on writing “Selling from the heart” and thank you for sharing a copy with me. Your class has been one of the most enjoyable classes I’ve ever taken. Your enthusiasm and passion for your work are awesome. But the most refreshing part of the class was your delightful sense of humor. Thank you again for being a fantastic teacher.”

—Linda Reismeiler // Student at Randall School of Real Estate, Omaha, Nebraska

Kudos to you, Van, for reaching a major goal. But more than that...For successfully building one of Omaha’s best companies from scratch and making it thrive even in less than ideal market conditions. You have realized the American Dream...And brought it home to many, many others. My best to you!”

—Todd Andrews, Anchor and Producer, KETV Omaha

Having you here again was such a blessing to so many! As I looked at the pictures, I could see just how interested each and every person was in what you had to say!

This has been such a gift to our agents when they need it the most. The fact that you come, you are so genuine and caring, you are so honest, you are not trying to sell anything and your passion to help each and every person believe in themselves and become the best they can be is HUGE! The timing is perfect for us all helping and caring about each other, so, thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for giving of yourself to help all of us!”

—Carolyn Summerton // First Mortgage Company of Idaho

I enjoyed your seminar and its focus. I was on the fence whether or not to attend and decided why not? I could have sat through an all day session if there was one, usually I end up at the seminars that start with a focus and quickly go astray. I found with yours time flew by too fast and it was already time to go but I wasn’t ready to go.”

—Scott Asbill, CDPE // Associate Broker, Realtor