June 2022 Newsletter Ambitious People
Ambitious people
People who are ambitious usually accomplish much more than those who are not. If you think back on your past successes, I can promise you that having ambition helped you in your journey.
Would you describe yourself as ambitious? The word ambitious means “having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous; having a desire to achieve a particular goal.”
From my point of view, passion and enthusiasm are the same as ambition. The more enthusiastic and excited I am about something, the better I am going to do at it. Excitement is contagious, and when people see how excited you are, there is a good chance that they will help you achieve your goals.
Being ambitious expands the upper limits of what you can achieve. If you are ambitious, you are probably aiming for goals that may be difficult to achieve and are often the key to a successful life. You know how much of an advocate I am on setting goals. Without written goals, your dreams and wishes are merely fantasies.
Many people wonder what it takes to succeed, and one of the answers that usually comes up is ambition. While it is clear that ambition can help you succeed, you will also need the 4 D’s that I have talked about in THE VAN DEEB PODCAST as well as my newsletters. Without discipline, desire, drive, and determination, you can have all the ambition in the world and it won’t be effective.
“Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you. Distance yourself from negative people who try to lower your motivation and decrease your ambition. Create space for positive people to come into your life.” ― Roy T. Bennett
Whether or not ambition helps you succeed also depends on your definition of success. If you are driven to succeed in your career, your ambition could take you far. I am going on my 39th year in real estate and my 20th year in motivational speaking. I could not do either one if I was not over-the-top ambitious to be the best I can possibly be at both. You have to have a plan… a road map of how you are going to accomplish your goals.
“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.”
― Walter H. Cottingham
People who have ambition will generally go through many stages of personal development and growth. Because we are driven to be the best we can be, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our skills, talents, and behaviors. This means we are more aware of our positive traits as well as our flaws. I know that I am aware of what I need to work on to become a better me.
Most people who are very ambitious are financially stable. Those of us who have ambition and a desire to succeed often work harder and put in more hours than our counterparts do. Thanks to our long hours and dedication, we often earn more money than people who stick to a 9-to-5 schedule.
It is important to know that having ambition does not necessarily mean you will be rich. Not everyone with ambition makes it big in the world. However, people who have ambition can pay their bills and put food on the table without much concern.
People who are ambitious to succeed in their career tend to have a strong work ethic. We are not afraid of putting in the effort required to achieve our goals. We rarely call in sick to our jobs. We are completely focused on our goals, and all of our energy goes toward achieving our driving purpose.
Ambitious people are generally very courageous. We do not shy away from challenges that arise along our path to greatness. We face problems head on, with courage and strength. This is one reason why ambitious people are sometimes feared by others. We do not back down from any challenge, whatever form that challenge may take.
Ambitious people often recognize, much better than most, that there are no shortcuts to true success. We are more willing to put in the time and effort to do something right than to take a shortcut that might mean lower quality. Ambitious people are often perfectionists who want everything to be done exactly right, with true effort and diligence.
What are you ambitious to accomplish? Whatever it is, what are you waiting for? Go after it! Use your GOD-given talent to make your ambition a reality.