June 2019 newsletter Put on Your invisible crown
Put on your invisible crown
When you see someone wearing a crown, usually they are either royalty or the winner of a pageant. A crown can have several symbolic meanings. To me, a crown means strength, courage, discipline, and respect. Just because you don’t wake up every day and put on a crown doesn’t mean you can’t be someone who is worthy of respect.
I believe GOD wants those of us who choose to live like Kings and Queens to do so. Not everyone wants to go through life feeling like royalty or striving to be the best they can possibly be, and that’s okay. You have the right to decide how you will present yourself to the world. However, I happen to believe that if we set high standards for ourselves then we will encourage, inspire, and empower others to do the same.
“Invisible crowns aren’t made of rhinestones. They are made of discipline, hard work and courage.“
The more confidence we have in ourselves, the more contagious that confidence will be. To me, the sign of a leader is a sincere desire to help others. Before you put on your invisible crown, ask yourself the following six questions. If the answer to each question is “Yes,” then you deserve your crown.
- Do you go to work every day wanting to be a bright spot in the life of everyone you meet, and do you try to leave people feeling better than they were when you found them?
- Do you make positive statements throughout your day and not join in when others are complaining, gossiping, or being negative?
- Do you stand tall and feel confident in your daily routine and not allow anyone to treat you as if you are unworthy of respect?
- Are you trying to be the best parent, son or daughter, spouse or significant other, coworker, employer or employee you can possibly be?
- Are you creating a strong work ethic and discipline to accomplish your business goals and dreams or to be a great team player?
- Are you leading by example in your workplace – in other words, are you the type of manager, employer, or employee that people admire and look up to?
“You are forced to stand tall when you have your crown on.”
The idea of pretending that you’re wearing a crown may seem a little corny at first. However, I dare you to try it — that is, if you feel that you deserve it. If you aren’t willing to do what it takes to wear a crown in this lifetime and on this planet, then you won’t get another chance. The time is now!
Put your crown on and show the world who you are and what you are made of! Make a decision to start tomorrow to be a top salesperson, to be a great leader, to encourage others to bring out the best in themselves, to be confident, to lead by example! Put on your invisible crown and never, ever take it off.
If not you, then who? And if not now, then when?
Van Deeb is recognized as an authority in sales, customer service, and leadership. His proven methods and techniques helped Van build one of the largest real estate companies in the country, growing his business from just himself to an agency with 350 associates. Invite Van to present a workshop, keynote, or event at your company. Contact Van at his direct line: 402-680-8448, through email: van@vandeeb.com, or on the Web at www.vandeeb.com