July 2022 Newsletter… The benefits of talking to yourself
The benefits of talking to yourself
I believe that if we do not listen to ourselves, then we most likely will not listen to anyone else. Do you agree? Listening to yourself is crucial because the person in the mirror is 100% responsible for your successes, your failures, and your overall outlook on life.
I have been talking to myself for as long as I can remember, but self-talk became a bigger part of my life when I became a straight commissioned salesperson at age 23. To this day, I still make affirmations, suggestions, and demands to myself out loud, describing what I expect from myself that day.
One of the things I would say to myself while driving to a listing appointment was “I don’t have to give the best presentation every day. I just have to give the best presentation today.” Statements like that took the pressure off me so I could focus on the immediate task at hand.
Each of us has an inner voice that can help us get to where we want to go. When we talk to ourselves, we are bringing that inner voice out into the universe so our wishes can become a reality.
I have found that praying aloud also helps me concentrate more on who I want MY prayers directed toward, whether it involves helping someone heal or assisting them in reaching a goal they want to achieve.
I have found that talking to myself is POWERFUL, and I am confident that it can work for everyone who tries it. HOWEVER, you must be enthusiastic about what you are verbalizing and believe 100% in what you are saying.
Here are a few of the statements and affirmations that I often say out loud in the morning or throughout the day:
Today I will be the bright spot in someone’s life.
Today I will do my absolute best to perform as many acts of kindness as I can.
Thank you, God, for giving me the talent and ability to improve and be better today than I was yesterday.
I have the ability, so I have the responsibility to make today count.
No one deserves to get this deal or sale today more than I do.
I will not come home unless I am productive today.
Please, GOD, help me make a difference and have an influence in someone’s life today.
When self-talk is supportive, it can boost your self-confidence.
Obviously, you never, ever want to broadcast any negative statements about yourself either internally or aloud. Negative self-talk leads to self-defeating assertions like “I can’t do anything right” or “I am a failure.” If you have had a bad moment, a bad sales presentation, or a bad day, negative thoughts and self-talk will only make things worse. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I did not get a sale or failed at something and wanted to get down on myself, but then I replaced those negative thoughts and feelings with statements like “I will do better next time” or “I am not perfect; I am a work in progress. I will correct what I did wrong and get the deal next time” or “Tomorrow is a chance to try again, using the lessons I learned today.”
There is TREMENDOUS POWER in self-talk! Remember that positive self-talk does not mean you are ignoring the unpleasant and negative aspects of life; instead, you are flipping the narrative so you can approach life’s challenges in a more positive and productive way.
Below are some of the many benefits I have experienced from self-talk:
It decreases negative thinking because you are constantly verbalizing positive thoughts and statements.
It helps you become more self-confident, because if you keep saying something over and over, you will start to believe it.
It makes you happier, and you will find yourself smiling as you visualize what you are saying.
It reduces anxiety, stress, and depression because you are only letting positive, motivational, and inspirational thoughts into your mind.
Even if you think you will never feel comfortable talking to yourself, I am asking you to try it! It really does work. If talking to yourself could help you live a better life, why not give it a shot? But be prepared… I predict that you’re going to like it!
If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?