January 2022 Newsletter Expect the BEST
Expect the Best
I believe our mindset has a huge impact on our lives. It dictates how we think, what we expect from ourselves, how we view other people, and how we feel when we wake up in the morning. Our mindset dictates the choices we make and the outcomes we experience.
Do you have a mindset that expects the best? I can’t imagine waking up in the morning and not expecting great things to happen to me throughout the day. And guess what? Great things do happen in my life on a regular basis. You might call that the power of positive thinking.
Do you expect the best and prepare for the worst? Or do you prepare for the worst and hope to just make it through the day?
If you have attended my presentations or listened to my podcasts, you have probably noticed that my default mindset every day is to EXPECT THE BEST from myself, with little thought of anything else. If we don’t expect the best from ourselves, then who will?
Expecting the best is a choice that you alone can make and a skill that you can develop. How do you do this? You choose to expect the best, and then you work on making it happen. It’s like anything in life – you begin by creating a discipline, and then it becomes a habit, and eventually it comes naturally to you. Wouldn’t your life be more exciting and fruitful if your natural mindset was expecting the best? Yes, it would! (I am speaking from experience.)
Think about all the people in your life that your mindset will inspire – your kids, significant other, boss, employees, co-workers, customers, and friends. Your mindset of expecting the best will be contagious.
Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life – it’s about what you inspire others to do
Expecting the best also means choosing to see challenges and problems as opportunities. Instead of being satisfied with the status quo, you focus on where you want to go. To experience a great outcome, you need to put in the discipline to make it happen.
Here are a few tips for living your best life:
- You and only you can make the decision to expect the best in life. If you don’t feel that you deserve the best, then make the necessary changes so you can truly feel you deserve the best.
- Avoid the negative noise, the cynics, and the doubters. You can’t expect the best if you are hanging on to anything negative. Stay positive in every aspect of your life.
- Constantly recognize the blessings in your life, because this will help you stay grateful and grounded. The more you are aware of what is good in your life, the easier it will be to expect the best in the future.
- Expect the best for others. Become a cheerleader for your friends and coworkers, and show them unwavering support. The more you support other people’s success, the more you will bring the same into your own life.
- Do whatever it takes to bring the best outcomes possible in your life. I am a believer in manifesting what you want and what you expect your life to look like. As Napoleon Hill wrote in his book Think and Grow Rich, “If you can conceive it in your mind and believe it in your heart, you will achieve it.”
The more time you spend improving yourself, the more inspiring and empowering you will be to everyone around you. I know this is true because I have witnessed many people (including myself) who have expected the best from themselves and lived up to their own expectations. Because of this, I am convinced that we all have the God-given ability to Expect the Best!