December 2022 Newsletter Focus on Fun in 2023
Focus on fun in 2023
One thing all of us have in common is that we like to have fun. We need to do things that make us happy, whether that means going on vacation, getting together with friends and family, or doing our favorite hobby. My point is that we need to be able to look forward to doing something that is fun. It might happen tomorrow, next week, or maybe several months from now. Regardless, we need to feel excited about getting ready to do something fun in the future.
I have always described my idea of having fun as working and creating more opportunities for business. However, I am going to make a pivot and change my definition just a little. I am going to incorporate at least two small trips a month to Arizona and California during the winter and take at least one trip during the summer to somewhere I have never been before. To be specific, in the summer of 2023 I will be spending at least five days in Lake Tahoe during the Pro-Am celebrity golf tournament. I have been talking about doing this for many years, but we all know what talking about something is — it’s just talking. And because I have procrastinated for so many years about doing this, I’m going to make my reservations right now so I will have something to look forward to this summer. It’s that simple. Make a commitment to your fun goals and make it happen.
What are you looking forward to doing in 2023? I firmly believe that if we have something in the near future to look forward to, we are likely to work a little bit harder and with more enjoyment. Fun things do not have to be big or expensive. They could be very small and very affordable, but they have to be things you look forward to doing. Having something to look forward to can create enthusiasm that makes you perform better at work.
Now that you are thinking about fun things you want to do in 2023, it is time to put this in writing and make a visual plan, just as you would do if you were setting goals for your business. Hopefully you are writing down your career goals and objectives for 2023 and reinforcing them with visuals and reminders. I recommend that you also make a visual board geared toward having FUN. Write down all the things that you want to do in 2023, then attach pictures or anything that will give you a visual image of what you are looking forward to doing. Next, make a timeline for making these events happen. Your fun item could also be a purchase of something you have been working hard for, such as a car you have always wanted, a new home, or maybe your first rental property. It just has to be something that you would consider FUN!
“You must have discipline to have fun.” – Julia Child
When you have those visuals in front of you, you know what you’re looking forward to because you can see it! Just like Napoleon Hill wrote way back in 1937, “If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.” I have been putting that statement in practice throughout my life. As you might already know, I am really big into visualization and I also believe that our dreams are just a prelude to our reality. I started making vision boards decades ago, and believe me, it works!
Having fun is so important. Using myself as an example, I feel like I have been in first gear over the last couple of years and now I am ready to elevate my enthusiasm to full throttle and super excited about creating more fun in my life.
When you start planning to add more fun to your life and you talk about your plans with others, you will often inspire them to do the same thing. So not only are you making your own life more fun, you are also helping other people have fun, too!
If you make having fun a priority, you will feel great, have more energy, and inspire your friends and family. Make having fun a priority. Let’s all get in a higher gear and make 2023 a year that includes a good balance between work and pleasure.
“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.” ― Andy Rooney
As I get older, I am becoming more and more aware that our time on earth is never long enough. With this in mind, let’s put time and energy into doing things that make us happy.
If you have been grinding hard or in a funk, then making plans to have more fun next year might be just what you need!
Here are a few things to remind yourself:
- Life is better when you have fun and exciting things to look forward to.
- You will be more motivated at work when you have this mindset.
- Fun makes life more enjoyable for the people around you.
- Fun is contagious and creates enthusiasm.
Just like anything else in life, if you want something badly enough you can create a discipline, and that discipline will become a habit, and eventually it will become natural to you. If you have to take baby steps to create fun in your life, then start doing so. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be great at it to get started, you just have to get started to be great at it.
Let’s have more fun in 2023!