December 2020 Newsletter Don’t tell me…Show me
Don’t tell me… show me
I hope all of you are surviving this very challenging year. For some of you, I know that 2020 has been devastating. My heart is with you. For others the pain has been less intense. Nevertheless, we have all suffered or are suffering in one way or another. But the New Year is almost here, and with it comes renewed hope for a better future.
Some of us will proclaim resolutions affirming our intention to become better at certain things or to make great things happen in the New Year. Well, let me tell you mine. I actually started working on this several years ago, and in 2021 I am making it a priority.
A person’s actions will tell you everything you need to know
- I want to be a person who doesn’t just say “I RESPECT YOU.” I want to show you.
- I want to be a person who doesn’t just say “I LOVE YOU.” I want to show you.
- I want to be a person who doesn’t just say “I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOU.” I want to show you.
Ladies and gentlemen, now more than ever we need to SHOW our respect, our love, and our gratitude towards others.
If you agree with me, there is something I want you to do. When you make a statement like “I am grateful for you” to someone, think of a way you can show them instead of just telling them. We have all heard that actions speak louder than words. When I think about it, I know this is one of the truest statements I have ever heard. A successful person could never accomplish what they want to achieve without putting their words into action. In my early business years in Texas my co-workers had a great way of describing a person who talks about doing something but never does it: “Big hat, no cattle.”
Actions prove who someone is, but words just prove who they want to be
Maybe your New Year’s resolution could be “I want to be a person of action!” There is no limit to what you can accomplish with this attitude.
Words are nothing. Actions are everything. Don’t tell me — Show me!
If you love someone, care about them, respect them, and are grateful for them, it is not difficult to translate these feelings into actions. I tell my gal I love her and am grateful for her all the time. However, when I show her, it makes her feel happy and it makes me feel the same way. She is a sixth-grade teacher, and even bringing her a flavored coffee at school during her break can make her day. The littlest of actions can make a huge impact. I believe love is shown in your deeds, not your words.
“If you walk the walk… the talk isn’t necessary.”
— George Akomas, Jr.
People who care about others use words to express how they feel. People who care MORE use their actions. Let’s all make a conscious effort from now on to show, not just tell. We all have the God-given talent to be a person of action if we truly want to be. Everyone wins if you are a person of action, and most importantly you do. You will be the envy of everyone around you, and you will encourage, empower, and inspire people in business and your personal life because you are A PERSON OF ACTION!
If not you, then who? And if not now, then when?