December 2019 newsletter ….You create your own opportunity
You create your own opportunity
Nothing happens without opportunity. Think about it: from the second you wake up in the morning until the second you close your eyes at night, all of the time in between is filled with potential opportunity. However, you need to be on the lookout for ways to make good things happen.
If you don’t wake up with the mindset that today you are going to create opportunity, no one else is going to do it for you. I created my own opportunities starting at a very young age. If I wanted something that cost money, I mowed yards and shoveled driveways to earn the money I needed. Thankfully, there were people on my block who gave me those opportunities.
“Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” – Ann Landers
Throughout my adult life (and I’m using the word adult loosely), I have had to do the same thing. When you are building a business, a sales career, or your leadership skills, you have to recognize every opportunity that could help you get there. If you have the attitude that NOTHING should be given to you unless you deserve it or earn it, then your automatic default will be to create opportunity.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill
Look at your life as if each day is a gift, because you have been given the gift of being alive. Think about that for a minute. No matter whether you are 18 or 80, every day is a gift… period. What are you going to do with your gift? What do you want out of life? You have an opportunity to make it happen if you make your mind up that you will take the necessary steps toward your goal. I could give you hundreds of ways to create opportunity; however, out of respect for your time I will offer just a few:
- Start each day by making a spoken commitment to yourself. Look in the mirror and say out loud, “Today I will have an open mind to new opportunities to better myself and my career.” This affirmation will open the door for good things to come into your life.
- Step outside your comfort zone. For example, attend a networking event that you normally wouldn’t consider. You might say hello to several people; however, just meeting one person that you connect with could develop into an opportunity for you.
- Use a personal touch in reaching out to others. Send out five handwritten notes each day to people you recently met, past clients, prospective customers, or anyone who could use some encouragement. Sending a handwritten note is so unusual that it will separate you from the pack. When you refuse to be like everyone else in your industry, your uniqueness will create opportunities that are endless. It sure did for me.
- Offer more value in everything you do. In my speaking and real estate career I strive every day to offer more value. That might mean that you under promise and over deliver or that you take an extra step to make sure your client is receiving unmatched service. If you take the time to think about it, you can find plenty of ways to bring value to people that you do business with. Bringing value to others will create more opportunity.
- As I talk about in my book The Power of Asking, when you learn how to ask people to do business with you and fully understand the benefits that asking will bring you, then you will create more opportunity than you know what to do with. Ask for an opportunity every chance you get.
Each of us are in the driver’s seat of our life, and we are in control of our destiny ONLY if we seek out opportunities to move forward. We will not get unlimited chances to have the things we want.
Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life. God will supply us with the opportunity, but it’s up to us to do something with it. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow, and the bigger the challenge we face, the bigger the opportunity for growth.
If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?