August 2022 Newsletter A presentation for everyone
A presentation for everyone
Can you think of at least one presentation that changed your life? Maybe you were listening to a motivational recording, watching a dynamic speaker on TV or the Internet, or getting energized by a mind-blowing presenter at a live event. I have experienced all of the above, and I hope to have many more life-changing moments in the future.
In addition to listening and learning from other speakers, I enjoy talking to individuals and groups. Nothing is more rewarding than finding out that my words have had a positive impact on someone’s life.
In my 25 years of making presentations to Fortune 500 companies and small and large businesses in all industries, I have never been as excited as I am today about my newest presentation: VAN DEEB’S MANDATORY SEVEN. This presentation is for people of all ages and backgrounds, from high school students to business owners. The only requirement is for YOU to have the DESIRE to become the BEST version of yourself and to take full advantage of your God-given abilities. In other words, you must be interested in achieving your maximum potential! If you are satisfied with where you are in life, this presentation most likely is not for you.
If you incorporate these seven principles into your life, you will achieve new levels of business and personal success and happiness.
Here is a little teaser of the seven principles. If it appeals to you, let me know! I would welcome an opportunity to speak at your company, an upcoming event, or even a Zoom call.
Van Deeb’s Mandatory Seven
- I am in control
I am in control of my destiny. My thoughts will always be productive and constructive, never destructive.
- I will learn from the wise
By learning from other people’s wisdom, I will add their knowledge and experience to my own, which will dramatically increase my success.
- I will show you by my actions
I will create a new future by creating a new me. I will inspire and empower others through my work ethic and my actions. I am choosing right now to be a person of action.
- I am passionate about my vision
I am passionate about my vision for the future. I believe a dream is a prelude to reality. I will always nurture my vision because I know the power of visualization.
- I will inspire each person I encounter
I will become the master of my attitude and my emotions, which will inspire others to do the same. My enthusiasm will be contagious and will cause other people to gravitate to me.
- My past will not define my future
From this day forward, my past will not control my future. I will forgive myself for the mistakes I have made, and I will forgive everyone who has criticized me unjustly.
- I will only compare myself to my potential
I will never compare myself to others. Average people compare themselves to other people, and that is why they will always be average. My work ethic and discipline will catapult me to my fullest potential.
Ready for more? I am so confident that you will leave this presentation more motivated, inspired, and empowered to be your very best that I will offer you a money-back guarantee! Most presenters and speakers would never consider providing a money-back guarantee, but I will.
This is a one-hour presentation with Q and A afterwards. Please reach out to me to learn more:
Direct Line: 402-680-8448