August 2020 Newsletter I GET TO go to work today
I get to go to work today
“I GET to go to work today.” Have you heard this comment lately? Probably not. It’s more common to hear people say, “I have to go to work today,” as if their job is a burden instead of an opportunity. Maybe you’ve even said it yourself.
Having a grateful mindset can completely change your viewpoint on work. I have experienced this personally. Want to prove it to yourself? Tomorrow morning when you’re getting ready for work, say “I get to go to work today.” Say it out loud. Then say it again the next day and every day after that. Starting your workday on a positive note will change your attitude for the rest of the day.
Believe it or not, when you say “I have to go to work” you are setting yourself up for failure before you start working. No one wants to do things they have to do, but we all want to do things that we get to do. I believe that going to work is a true luxury, mostly because I am grateful and take nothing for granted. Look at all the people out there who would love to be able to say they have a job or a career that they like. They would jump at the opportunity to say they GET to go to work today.
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” —Steve Jobs
Don’t spend your entire life in a career that you can’t stand. Don’t be afraid to try other careers that will make you happy. The majority of every weekday is spent working, and when we’re not working then we spend a lot of our time thinking about work. If you want to live a happy life, you need to either find ways to make your current job more enjoyable or find something else to do because everybody who is close to you is affected by your attitude toward work. Your attitude has an impact on those around you — your significant other, your kids, your friends, and everyone you come into contact with. They all deserve better than watching you feel miserable because you hate what you do for a living.
“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” —Muhammad Ali
I believe God wants us to enjoy the time we have on this earth. You are the only person who can change your life for the better.
If you have to start over completely just to make yourself happy, then do it! Happiness conquers all. Your happiness will affect everyone around you. I have witnessed too many people who are so stressed out at their job that they treat everyone with less respect than they should, as if it’s other people’s fault that they are miserable. I have counseled many businesspeople who admit that they treat their family like crap when they get home because they hate their job. Not fair! Especially not fair to the people who love you, because you are expected to love them back at least as much as they love you.
We are not put here on earth just to make it through or just to get by. We are supposed to thrive and enjoy our own definition of success. Success to you may involve making lots of money, or it may mean just being happy in your own space and in your own career. Success may mean climbing the corporate ladder or being able to attend your kids’ sporting events or other performances. No matter what your definition of thriving might be, you are meant to thrive, not just get by. You have the God-given right to be able to say, “I GET TO GO TO WORK TODAY!”
“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” —Dale Carnegie
If you are unhappy in your career, you might be tempted to blame it on other areas of your life instead of accepting the fact that what you do all day is making you unhappy. Don’t let other people dictate to you what you should be doing — find out what makes you happy and then do it.
If you are not sure what will make you happy, I highly recommend praying about it. The power of prayer NEVER fails you. You will be amazed how the vision of what you should be doing will become more clear. I have been a praying man as long as I can remember — yes, even during my wild days. I have not only asked God to help me recognize opportunity, I also visualized what it might look like.
Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, said it best: “If you can believe it and conceive it, then you will achieve it.” In a nutshell, that describes my journey through life. I also am a firm believer that our positive dreams are a prelude to reality. If you dream of working at another career or making your current career more enjoyable, then what are you waiting for? You can make it happen, and you are the only one who can make that decision.
If you love your company but you’re not thrilled with your boss or work environment, then have a visit with the owner or the top person and see what they can do to make it better. Most owners and senior-level management I know would appreciate having a chance to make changes instead of losing you.
I was blessed with only a few very strong talents, but one of them is helping you to become what you are supposed to be, to experience what you are meant to experience in life, and to be the best you can possibly be. If you want more out of life and are ready to make the decision to be able to say “I GET to go to work,” then contact me and let me be your coach or have me speak to your group. If you have the drive, desire, and determination to reach for something better, then I will provide the rest. Let’s get started!
If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?
Van Deeb is recognized as an authority in sales, customer service, and leadership. His proven methods and techniques helped Van build one of the largest real estate companies in the country, growing his business from just himself to an agency with 350 associates. Invite Van to present a workshop, keynote, or event at your company. Contact Van at his direct line: 402-680-8448, through email:, or on the Web at